“Emperor of Sand” (2017)
Progressive / Sludge Metal
Reprise Records
You definitely can’t compare “Emperor of Sand” with some previous Mastodon work, but you gonna be able to confirm that you listening to this band. Emotional, sharp and hard. Do not miss this story witch is not an
easy one.
I don’t know if I ever told you, but MASTODON is a hell of a band. Like it or not they are a hell of a band. Every time you ask me I can give you at least 20 facts about it, but I think we won’t argue about that fact at all. We got used to waiting two and half years for them to put a new album out, and now we have “Emperor of Sand” in front of us. I presume you have looked to each episode they put out about album making process and with which they give as a snack of a new album. Did we know they won’t fail? Off-course we knew. No one can’t give a wrong answer to that question.
Mastodon told us they planing to do a concept album. Nothing new for them. This gang of four is one of the most creative and definitely one of the craziest gang I have to hear for in last two decades. Every album of this band I haven’t discover completely, although I have listened to them for a very long time. Each time I put some of their albums on my stereo, I’m discovering some new dimension in it. That link I was searching while I was listening to this record. Do not expect that shock as when you first listened to“Leviathan”. It won’t shock you in that way for sure because this time you know with whom you are dealing with.
And when we speak about shocks, we can’t skip song which opens this hard and painful story about death. “Show Yourself” is a song that made all the fans shocked, cause they had the opportunity to hear a catchy side of this band with which they showed that there are able to make an absolute hit. If you look at the whole picture carefully it would be perfectly clear why we have this song as A1. You have to deal with this puzzle alone, but I marked your attention to it.
Of course, that is not a guidance when will the album lead. It’s sure that you will have heavy guitars all over this album because Bill and Brent are handling with this 12 guitar wires. When you have both of them involved you know you won’t have peace for a second. And you should not be. A number of emotions which you can find in these 11 songs are unbelievable and it is hard to be written on the paper (or web page, whatever). Personal fight with cancer close to you peoples cancer is a very fucking hard burden to take. And that’s exactly why is hard to describe why this is one very emotional album. Or you will feel it, or you won’t.
One more fact, which will give this album a plus is that Scott Kelly (Neurosis) is here again. And this time as guest vocal in “Scorpion Breath”, which is one of the best songs on the album, in my modest opinion. The fact is that the album will lead you, both through the lyrics and the music, through a real fight which tries to destroy you on the tiniest pieces. The culmination of this struggle is happening exactly in this song, and Scott’s presence, if you ask me, has never been more meaningful than now. The real horror in 3 minutes and nineteen seconds.
One more hosting is being ignored because of the fact that Mastodon launched the new single on March 7th. The appearance of Kevin Sharp (Brutal Truth) it’s not a fact that should be neglected. Nor should be the fact that the bend cooperated with Brendan O’Brien on this album, as well as on the album “Crack the Skye”. Mastodon didn’t go far of the guided road. It’s certain that “Emperor of Sand” can’t be easily compared with some previous album, but you will be completely safe that you are listening the team of four who proudly wears the name Mastodon. Emotionally, painfully and fiercely. Do not miss this story which is not easy at any moment. It’s the toughest that moment when it ends. And it’s good while it can last. These guys went a step further.
Track listing:
01. Sultan’s Curse
02. Show Yourself
03. Precious Stones
04. Steambreather
05. Roots Remain
06. Word To The Wise
07. Ancient Kingdom
08. Clandestiny
09. Andromeda
10. Scorpion Breath
11. Jaguar God